See new packaging innovations in one convenient place at PACK EXPO East
Get up to speed on the latest innovations in packaging and processing at PACK EXPO East, March 18 – 20 in Philadelphia. Don’t miss out!

Technology Minute: New to the Packaging Industry: Glenroy’s STANDCAP Meets Critical Guidance from the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR)

Tune in to hear Matt Reynolds, Editor of Packaging World, speak with Evan Arnold of Glenroy about the company’s STANDCAP packaging and the product’s recent critical guidance recognition from the APR. Evan will describe what it was like working with the APR to design the product with specific design criteria and technical requirements. Learn how this new development helps Glenroy’s customers meet their sustainability goals, plus what it means for the packaging industry as a whole.

Discover innovations from 400+ packaging & processing suppliers.
The largest PACK EXPO East in history is March 18-20 in Philadelphia! In one convenient location, you’ll discover new technology from top suppliers, get quality problem-solving time with experts and learn the latest trends in free educational sessions.
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