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Scanware Electronic Showcases New Vision Inspection System

At PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2023, Scanware displayed its new vision inspection system with customizable mounting for retrofit and new machines.

The system has a customized mounting setup to be placed above vibratory rails or tracks and can be trained to recognize good product visual cues of the recipes created and added to the system’s repertoire.
The system has a customized mounting setup to be placed above vibratory rails or tracks and can be trained to recognize good product visual cues of the recipes created and added to the system’s repertoire.

German-based Scanware Electronic showcased its new vision inspection system for pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and the food industry at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2023. The system has a customized mounting setup to be placed above vibratory rails or tracks and can be trained to recognize good product visual cues of the recipes created and added to the system’s repertoire. When an erroneous product passes under the inspection system, it transfers signals to reject the product automatically.

This helps avoid cross contamination, remove product that is the wrong size and color, or that is damaged.

“When we're talking about capsules, for example, with one system we can inspect up to 6000 products a minute, maybe a bit more. So that will be 360,000 an hour,” says Roland Berger, I'm head of software with Scanware Electronic.

As Scanware provides both software and hardware development, the vision system’s customizable mounting can be applied to retrofit and new machines, to meet the needs of those machiens. The vision inspection system can be connected to a third-party mechanical system to reject the erroneous product, all without the need of an operator’s intervention.

   New Combination Scale at PACK EXPO Las Vegas
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