Pompeo: Hi, I'm Brian Pompeo. I'm with Cremer. I'm here with Mark Navin from Speedy, and we're at interpack 2023 introducing our compact gummy fill, uh, counting and filling system. Features of this system are that we are counting each individual gummy by piece. We're counting 5,500 gummies per minute, uh, filling those into the speedy filler at a rate of 70 bottles per minute on a 60 count of gummies.
Navin: We are displaying our new compact rotary filler running 75 bottles per minute of gummy vitamins. The key features of this machine are the way that we string the gummies out to get them into the bottle without bridging. We also have a toolless changeover design and uh, it's been a fantastic machine force showed very well.
Please check us out at www.speedy.com or www.cremer.com.