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PMMI Raises $30,000 for Tunnel to Towers Foundation to Support Nation’s Heroes

Organization commemorates 9/11 during PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2023 show.

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PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, raised $30,000 for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping the nation’s first responders, military heroes, injured veterans, homeless veterans, and their families. The money was raised during PMMI’s PACK EXPO Las Vegas show, which ran from Sept. 11-13 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Recognizing the significance of PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2023 opening on Sept. 11, PMMI wanted to honor the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice that day by matching donations received during show registration and also online to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation.

“With our show opening on 9/11, we could not think of a better way to honor the lives lost during that tragedy than to support an organization like Tunnel to Towers that keeps the legacy of those heroes alive by providing support to the first responders, military heroes, and veterans who are with us today,” said Jim Pittas, president and CEO, PMMI. “We’re grateful to all who donated and showed their support.”

For over 20 years, the Tunnel to Towers Foundation has honored the late FDNY firefighter Stephen Siller’s legacy by supporting the heroes who continue to risk life and limb in the line of duty. To date, Tunnel to Towers has delivered over 1,000 mortgage-free homes to the nation’s heroes and committed over $500 million across all its programs. This year, the Foundation is delivering over 200 mortgage-free homes to catastrophically injured veterans and first responders, Gold Star families, families of first responders who leave behind young children, and more than 1,500 housing units to combat veteran homelessness.

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