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Maintenance Safeguarding System

The Key-in-Pocket maintenance safeguarding system from Pilz protects against restart and tampering.

Plz 102

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The Key-in-Pocket system from Pilz protects unauthorized machine restart. Digital maintenance safeguarding is based on the access permission system PITreader and guarantees safety and industrial security as only authorized personnel can access the plant or machine during the maintenance process.

The system ensures the machine does not restart while maintenance work is being done and that unauthorized personnel do not gain access. The solution offers safety in the face of a hazardous restart while at the same time, industrial security, because it is impossible to tamper with the maintenance work.

Users are given an RFID key with their individual permissions that can be read on the safety gate using PITreader. This way, one or more users who are authorized for maintenance work can authenticate themselves. At all times, the operator knows who has access for which task. Temporary permissions can also be assigned.

After successful authentication, a personalized security ID is stored for the user in the controller and is kept in a safe list. The machine can now be shut down, the safety gate opened, and the machine accessed. During this time, the RFID keys remain with the respective Key-in-Pocket users. Once maintenance is complete and people have left the danger zone, everyone signs out. The security IDs are removed from the safe list on the Pilz controller, and the machine can be restarted.

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