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Counting Down the Top 10 articles of 2019 - #6: Phillip Morris' Digital Printing Push

Based on our online clicks and unique page views, we're counting down the Top 10 articles of 2019. Join us as we look back at the best of 2019. Checking in at #6, Pat Reynolds gives clues us in on Phillip Morris' digital printing play.

R3 Mix

According to Pat Reynolds' February 2019 article, few brand owners are as passionate about the potential for digital printing and finishing as Philip Morris, which has installed its own digital printing and converting line for folding cartons.

Sometimes a Consumer Packaged Goods company finds an emerging trend in packaging so appealing that management refuses to wait for the supplier community to fully develop the technologies that will make it possible to capitalize on that trend. One such company is Philip Morris International (PMI), whose corporate headquarters are in New York City and whose Operation Center is in Lausanne, Switzerland. The trend they spotted is digital printing and finishing of folding cartons, and now that they’ve spotted it, they’re going after it as aggressively as any brand owner on the planet.

“The question is ‘when’ not ‘if’ digital printing will take an increasing share of the total volume,” says Tony Snyder, Vice President Product Portfolio Management and Deployment at PMI. “Brand owners need to decide...

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The largest PACK EXPO East in history is March 18-20 in Philadelphia! In one convenient location, you’ll discover new technology from top suppliers, get quality problem-solving time with experts and learn the latest trends in free educational sessions.
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