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Switch to Canister for Organic Fiber Meets Consumer, Retailer Preferences

Organic India dispenses with its flexible pouch in favor of a paperboard canister for its psyllium fiber for greater customer convenience and brand packaging alignment.

Organic India Fiber Packaging Design
Organic India’s Psyllium Pre & Probiotic Fiber product rolled out nationwide in June in three varieties that use a new packaging design comprising a paperboard canister.

Mess-free, ergonomic, and more visually cohesive, a new paperboard canister packaging design for Organic India’s Psyllium Pre & Probiotic Fiber product has replaced a flexible pouch for the powdered product—a move made in response to feedback from retailers and consumers. The new 10-oz canister, with a metal bottom and polypropylene lid, also aligns with packaging for the company’s number-one product, Psyllium Whole Husk Fiber.

Organic India is a Boulder, Colo.-based company offering organic products and wellness solutions for healthy, conscious living. Its Psyllium Pre & Probiotic Fiber, formulated for digestive wellness, provides a great source of fiber and is combined with shelf-stable probiotics and Ayurvedic herbs for gastrointestinal detox and rejuvenation. Organic India’s products are imported from India and are USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified, and vegan.

   Read related article, “Iceland Freezes Use of Unnecessary Plastic with Launch of Paper Packaging.”

According to company Marketing Director Kat Wiranowski, one consumer pain point with the previous packaging was the mess it created. “For consumers, the pouches were tough to seal, creating mess and inconvenience,” she says. “The sleek, easy-seal canisters are a cleaner and mess-free upgrade.”

For retailers, the new canister offers two advantages. First, it is more consistent with the packaging for the company’s most popular product, making for a more visually cohesive presentation of the fiber lineup on shelf. Second, shares Wiranowski, “the canisters take up less space on the shelf with a more visual consistency and more dollars per inch, which is a huge benefit to the retailer.”

During the planning stages of the packaging redesign, Wiranowski says Organic India did look at other options for an improved sustainability profile. But, she says, not only did the options not improve the user experience, they actually downgraded the packaging’s functionality. “Ultimately we landed on keeping the packaging consistent with our number-one SKU while we continue to find more sustainable solutions for the entire line,” she explains.

Organic India Packaging Design Switch to PaperIn a new packaging design, Organic India dispenses with its flexible pouch in favor of a paperboard canister for its psyllium fiber.From a sourcing and timeline perspective, the paperboard canister was also the most efficient option for the company, as it already had a supplier in place.

Organic India’s Psyllium Pre & Probiotic Fiber product rolled out nationwide in the new canister in June in three varieties: Orange, Cinnamon Spice, and Original. The product line is available for an MSRP of $19.99 in select grocers and natural food retailers, as well as through the company’s website,, and

Regarding reception to the new packaging, Wiranowski says there has been “an overwhelmingly positive response from retailers and consumers alike, mirroring the original motivations for the change.” She adds, “It’s not much of a surprise, since it was reflective of the feedback we received, so it’s great to see it pay off.”  PW

   Read how Quilted Northern transitioned to paper packaging in a national brand first.

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