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Sustainable PE Bags

Designed for automatic bagging machines, PAC Machinery Bags and Materials’ Recylene® line of Rollbags® is made from 100% recycled resin.

Img 100 Percent Recycled Bags

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This product will benefit packagers who use pre-opened bags for automatic baggers as well as other PE films, as they can now package products in bags that are made of 100% recycled plastic resin. These resins can come from three types of plastic waste, including industrial manufacturing, consumer waste, and ocean-bound plastics. PAC Machinery has a number of product formats in which customers can get the 100% recycled bags, including:

• Rollbag pre-opened bags on a roll (clear and white/grey coex for mailing)

• Rollbag pre-opened bags in a box (clear and white/grey coex for mailing)

• Poly tubing

• Centerfold or sheeting for automatic L-bar sealers and side sealers

“Developing environmentally-conscious products is a core value driving our company product development today and also one of the hottest topics in the packaging industry right now,” said Greg Quinn, General Manager of PAC Machinery Bags and Materials. “We help our customers easily bag more responsibly, which they can be proud to communicate to their customers, as the bag can be made of 100% recycled plastic resin,” Quinn said.

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