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Narrow-web label printers are commercially viable

Models available for variety of needs

Afinia Label L301 Professional-grade Label Printer
Afinia Label L301 Professional-grade Label Printer

The Afinia Label L301 professional-grade label printer is designed for small businesses to print as many labels as they want, when needed, while the Memjet-powered L801 model is intended for established brands that need to print thousands of labels per month. The Memjet-powered CP950 carton and packaging printer can print on inkjet-compatible substrates up to 1/4-in. thick, such as coffee bags, boxes, cardstock and padded envelopes.

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The largest PACK EXPO East in history is March 18-20 in Philadelphia! In one convenient location, you’ll discover new technology from top suppliers, get quality problem-solving time with experts and learn the latest trends in free educational sessions.
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