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Racetrack Accumulation Feeds Hand Pack Operation

Multi-Conveyor's conveyor system streamlines dry beverage hand-packing using inclines, curves, and a recirculating loop for efficient product staging.

Racetrack Feeds Handpack Multi Conveyor

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Multi-Conveyor has built a series of conveyor technologies designed to tactically transport a granulated or whole bean dry beverage product. Product travels from two bagger discharges, though curves and elevations, ultimately depositing onto a continuous running loop where it is staged for hand-packing. 

The product simultaneously ascends up two 12”-wide side-flexing incline conveyor sections at parallel locations. The first incline incorporates a 90° x 24” radius curve to align the product narrow-edge leading, dropping onto a descending transfer plate that merges product into the non-stop recirculating loop.

The second incline takes the product through a single straight incline, also narrow-edge leading. The product then discharges from their respective locations onto a “racetrack-style” accumulation conveyor.

The continuous 60 FPM loop uses two 180° x 24” radius curves that sandwich two 13’ straight running sections. Hand-pack operators will be stationed along the outer length of the looping conveyor where they will manually load product into cases prior to a case sealer.

The sequence of product transition was critical to ensure the bags were easy-to-grab while minimizing product overlapping. Loop conveyors are not a stereotype accumulation choice. Yet, this was the perfect solution for continual, immediate product accessibility required for this hand-pack operation.

See Multi-Conveyor's system in action.

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