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Shaped Paper Food Tray

Graphic Packaging International introduces the latest addition to its PaperSeal range: PaperSeal Shape.

Shaped Paper Food Tray

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A patented paperboard food tray, Graphic Packaging International PaperSeal Shape was designed to meet a wider range of customer needs, including those requiring a modified atmosphere solution in more complex shapes, such as bowls and multi-compartment designs. The recyclable, fiber-based tray solution is said to offer excellent rigidity and seal integrity to protect the product and preserve its shelf-life.

PaperSeal Shape reduces plastic by up to 90% compared to traditional plastic trays. The liner can be easily removed by the consumer post-use, and the paperboard portion of the tray recycled in standard paper recycling streams. Dependent on application and barrier requirements, PaperSeal Shape can be supplied without a liner, reducing plastic even further.

As with other trays in the range, PaperSeal Shape can be supplied flat or fully formed due to a network of Graphic Packaging facilities and lining partners across the world.

The PaperSeal range also includes:

• PaperSeal Original for fresh and processed protein, fresh pasta, salads, and prepared fruit requiring modified atmosphere in a rectangular tray

• PaperSeal Skin for fresh and processed protein applications requiring vacuum skin packaging

• PaperSeal Cook, a dual-ovenable modified atmosphere tray for fresh ready-to-eat meals 

• PaperSeal Slice for sliced meats and cheeses requiring modified atmosphere 

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