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Clemson Announces Fall 2022 Outstanding Packaging Science Senior Award Winners

From Clemson University comes news about two Fall 2022 awards. Rebekah Pereira was named the Robert Testin Outstanding Packaging Science Senior Award winner, and Sophie Owen was the Packaging World Outstanding Packaging Science Senior nominee.

From Clemson University: Rebekah Pereira (right) was named the Robert Testin Outstanding Packaging Science Senior Award winner, and Sophie Owen (left) was the Packaging World Outstanding Packaging Science Senior nominee.
From Clemson University: Rebekah Pereira (right) was named the Robert Testin Outstanding Packaging Science Senior Award winner, and Sophie Owen (left) was the Packaging World Outstanding Packaging Science Senior nominee.

Clemson University Robert Testin Outstanding Senior in Packaging Science winner for Fall 2022

Rebekah Pereira is a Packaging Science major with an emphasis in materials, graduating December 2022 from Clemson University Honors College. Throughout her years at Clemson, she has become very involved in the Packaging program. As a sophomore, she attended PACK EXPO, where she found a great interest in this major. From there she participated in her first co-op at Unilever during the spring of her sophomore year, returning a year later to complete a second rotation. She was Vice President of the Packaging Science Club for an entire year and participated in the 48hour Repack competition where her team won first place in this nationwide competition. During her final year, she has been working at The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics as an intern and has participated in a Creative Inquiry Undergraduate Research project designing football photo displays for recruits. Pereira says she hopes to continue her Clemson legacy well beyond these accomplishments. 

Packaging World Outstanding Packaging Science Senior winner for Fall 2022

Sophie Owen will graduate in December of 2022 with a bachelor’s in Packaging Science, an emphasis in Food and Healthcare Packaging, and a minor in Sustainability. In 2020, she completed her cooperative education requirement with Arthrex and gained invaluable experience in medical device manufacturing and regulatory practices. During her time at Clemson, Owen was part of the team that submitted and won a bid for a PMMI PACK EXPO booth, which focused on sustainable packaging alternatives, research, and initiatives. Additionally, Owen took part in creating and presenting packaging for the FRESH 2022 Food, Packaging & Sustainability Summit. She says she is extremely grateful for all the opportunities that the Packaging Science faculty at Clemson have given her and will cherish these experiences for a lifetime. 

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