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"CNG's commitment to advancing circularity is fundamental to our mission to be North America's leading specialty film supplier of certified materials," emphasized Scott Hammer, CNG’s Director of Corporate Sustainability. "ISCC PLUS certification allows us to further increase the use of recycled polymers in place of virgin materials, thereby extending our GreenArrow portfolio of certified ready-to-recycle materials and providing more opportunities for brands to attain their own sustainability goals."
The achievement in Milton, Wis., builds on previous certifications at CNG’s Superior and Lexington plants. The Superior, Wis. site first achieved ISCC PLUS certification in 2021. The Lexington, Ohio campus, ranked among the largest extrusion sites globally, received its first certification in 2022. Both plants are actively engineering material solutions using advanced recycled resins on a commercial scale and were recently recertified under the ISCC PLUS standard.
ISCC PLUS certification plays a crucial role in the development of the circular economy by ensuring the traceability of advanced and chemically recycled plastics along the entire supply chain in compliance with the ISCC PLUS standards. Unlike traditional recycling, advanced recycling transforms materials at the molecular level, converting plastic waste into its original polymer form—allowing the production of new plastic products with properties equal to virgin plastic. The result is eco-friendly materials that are highly sought-after by environmentally conscious consumers.