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Brenton and Orion Ramp up Production to Support Operation Warp Speed

Brenton and Orion responded to their customers’ needs by expediting the design and building of end-of-line packaging and stretch-wrapping systems as part of Operation Warp Speed.

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A public-private partnership initiated by the U.S. government, Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is a nationwide effort to accelerate the development, manufacturing and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Since many of Brenton and Orion’s customers within the pharmaceutical and medical device industries are playing key roles in OWS, both brands have stepped up their efforts to make the rollout a success.

“Both Brenton and Orion teams have done a phenomenal job in meeting this challenge,” said Aaron Hanson, Vice President and General Manager, Brenton and Orion. “Our teams put in a lot of extra hours and effort working with customers on meeting their OWS timelines, as well as maintaining work flow guidelines for our other customers; that’s something we take great pride in – helping our customers succeed by not backing away from challenges.”

One OWS project Brenton completed for a long-standing medical device customer involved an end-of-line system to handle the expected surge in packaging components such as syringes, needles, clamps and other supplies. Knowing that time was of the essence, Brenton sent extra personnel to the customer’s location to speed up installation and ensure the system was properly operating. That same customer also ordered an additional end-of-line system to create a packaging line to meet increased demand from the vaccine rollout. Both projects had aggressive timelines to meet; the systems were operational ahead of schedule.

“Our strategic partnerships with medical and pharmaceutical customers over the years set us up to succeed during such a crucial time,” said Jason Enninga, Integrated Medical Sales Director, Brenton. “Working with OWS initiatives is something we have been preparing for and knowing we are supporting the mission to deliver vaccine components is exciting.”

Orion is currently working on a project to band loads and apply corner boards automatically, as well as stretch-wrap packages of wipes for an OWS customer. This project is under a tight deadline and when operational, needs to apply the corner boards at a rate of 57 pallets an hour. The fact that Orion had successfully completed many other projects similar in scope helped the company win this business. 

“Brenton and Orion are demonstrating why we’re trusted partners with our customers, because they can rely on us to deliver when the going gets tough,” Hanson said. “Our efforts in supporting OWS really says a lot about our people who are working long hours to make our customers successful. I couldn’t be prouder of them.”

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