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Bormioli Pharma Joins the Glass Futures Project to Promote the 'Green' Future of Glass

The objective is to investigate and make available state-of-the-art technologies and processes to reduce the environmental impact of glass production.


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Bormioli Pharma, an international provider of glass and plastic containers for pharmaceutical use, has become a member of Glass Futures, a UK-based, globally reaching not-for-profit company researching the production of more sustainable glass.

Bormioli Pharma and Glass Futures have signed a 10-year membership, which will see them jointly involved in industrial research into new low-emission methods and technologies for glass production.

Glass Futures has been founded with the aim of developing a new approach to glass production, capable of bringing about a technological and economic revolution with great impact on the industry. Through collaboration with universities, companies and research bodies, the organization will bridge the gap in academic research and commercial implementation by trialling projects on a world-first pilot furnace. This pilot facility, The Global Centre of Excellence for Innovation, R&D and Training will be located in St. Helens, United Kingdom.

Davide Faverzani, Head of Engineering of Bormioli Pharma, commented on the signing of the MOU: "For over 15 years Bormioli Pharma has been committed to finding concrete solutions to make plastic packaging more sustainable. With this project, we confirm our commitment for glass, a material that is infinitely recyclable, but still requires an important contribution in terms of reducing emissions. The agreement will give us privileged access to innovative technologies for glass production, strengthening our position and reducing our impact on the environment."

Aston Fuller, General Manager at Glass Futures said: “It’s fantastic to see the leading Italian brand in the world of pharmaceutical packaging join Glass Futures to collaborate on innovative solutions to help accelerate the glass sector towards a more sustainable, zero carbon future.

“Together we can demonstrate what can be achieved when the industry, academia, partners, and funders all work together. We look forward to expanding collaboration across the industry and encourage other like-minded organizations to join Glass Futures

The decision to join Glass Futures is part of Bormioli Pharma's long-standing commitment to increase the efficiency and sustainability of its products and business processes, the main points of which are:

  • constant R&D of products made from alternative sustainable plastics (e.g. recycled, bio-based, compostable);
  • use of recycled glass in its production;
  • continuous updating of its technological platform, through targeted actions, such as the renovation of furnaces, with a view to improving energy efficiency and guaranteeing low emissions.

The company has also set itself two other important medium-term objectives. In 2022, it will publish for the first time an Integrated Report based on ESG parameters, and by 2025 it has committed to achieving 50% of its production from materials with a low environmental impact.

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